Monday, May 5, 2014

Sigal, Undergrad Student

Sigal is an undergraduate student working hard in the Pedersen Lab with me.  She has taken an interesting path from college to a hospital internship to getting involved with a Minority Program that sent her to London!  I am excited to see what she does next.

The Curious Life of a Scientist Episode 4.  Comments or Questions for me or Sigal?  Email me at or tweet me @BioCuriousKatie.  Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mary, Post-Doc

Mary is a post-doc in a nearby lab studying angiogenesis.  She has been a great teacher and inspiration for me, which is especially kind because we are in different labs.  It was great to hear about her journey to UCI as well as how she went about starting a family, as that is something many of my fellow grad students are thinking about.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sidney Golub, PhD, Professor & Interim Director of the UCI Stem Cell Center

Dr. Golub taught my Stem Cell Ethics & Policy Class last quarter, and I learned a lot, so I was very happy and a little nervous to talk to him about his journey to where he is now.  We talk about his East Coast roots, his post-doc in Sweden, and how he weaved together his interests (science, ethics and policy) to carve his own path doing what he enjoyed.
The Curious Life of a Scientist Episode 3.  Comments or Questions for me or Dr. Golub?  Email me at or tweet me @BioCuriousKatie.  Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kathy, Grad Student

Kathy is a 4th year graduate student in a parasite lab down the hall.  She talks about her REAL undergraduate college, finding her way to graduate school, and her plans to go into teaching all while she defends herself from my cat, Frankie.  If you have any questions or comments, please email me at and I'd be happy to respond.  Curious Life of a Scientist, Episode 2

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Heather, Grad Student

In the first episode of Curious Life of a Scientist, I talk to a fellow graduate student, Heather about her days as a tagger and her admiration for her boss.

To iTunes: The Curious Life of a Scientist, Episode 1

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And so it begins...

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   As I venture through graduate school I've been learning a lot about microRNA and stem cells, but I am also learning about myself and how I want to live my life.  People in scientific fields have a lot to offer, not only with their research, but the challenges they face and things they have learned. So I created this podcast so I could talk to them about it...
I will interview/conversate with people from different areas of science including Professors, Principle Investigators, High School Teachers, Undergraduate and Graduate students.  We will discuss diverse topics including their journey to where they are now, challenges of that path, weird experiments they've done, favorite scientists or mentors, ways to find balance in life, tips on giving a good scientific talk, how to juggle family and career, and whatever else comes up.
I welcome any advice/suggestions/tips.  I hope you enjoy the podcast!